— Python w/Data Science Track Ch 3: Packages

2 min readJan 18, 2023



Directories of Python script.
Each script is a module that specify methods, functions, Python types aimed at solving problems.
Thousands of packages. Not all available in Python by default. to install packages

Import statement to import entire package

Can import package like Numpy as:

import numpy
array([1, 2, 3])
#more standard/ preferred
import numpy as np
np. array([1, 2, 3])
from numpy import array
array([1, 2, 3])

Import package

As a data scientist, some notions of geometry never hurt. Let’s refresh some of the basics.

For a fancy clustering algorithm, you want to find the circumference, C, and area, A, of a circle. When the radius of the circle is r, you can calculate C and A as:


To use the constant pi, you'll need the math package. A variable r is already coded in the script. Fill in the code to calculate C and A and see how the print() functions create some nice printouts.


  • Import the math package. Now you can access the constant pi with math.pi.
  • Calculate the circumference of the circle and store it in C.
  • Calculate the area of the circle and store it in A.
# Definition of radius
r = 0.43

# Import the math package
import math
from math import pi

# Calculate C
C = 2 * pi * r

# Calculate A
A = pi * pow(r, 2)

# Build printout
print("Circumference: " + str(C))
print("Area: " + str(A))

Selective import

General imports, like import math, make all functionality from the math package available to you. However, if you decide to only use a specific part of a package, you can always make your import more selective:

from math import pi

Let’s say the Moon’s orbit around planet Earth is a perfect circle, with a radius r (in km) that is defined in the script.


  • Perform a selective import from the math package where you only import the radians function.
  • Calculate the distance travelled by the Moon over 12 degrees of its orbit. Assign the result to dist. You can calculate this as r * phi, where r is the radius and phi is the angle in radians. To convert an angle in degrees to an angle in radians, use the radians() function, which you just imported.
# Definition of radius
r = 192500

# Import radians function of math package
from math import radians

# Travel distance of Moon over 12 degrees. Store in dist.
dist = r * radians(12)

# Print out dist

