Day 16 Learning Italian

1 min readDec 10, 2022


Maria and I in Venice

It’s honestly a pain in the ass writing out all my Italian lessons. So here’s one of them from Duolingo. Adverbs.

Qua e quasi mezzanotte. Here it is almost midnight.
Ancora. Still.
Perche sei sotto alla scrivania? Why are you under the desk?
C’e una mela sul tavolo. There is an apple on the table.
Il ghiaccio e molto spesso. This ice is very thick.
Lo specchio rimane qui. The mirror remains here.
Noi stiamo bene. We are fine.
Tuttavia lui non mangie carne. Nonetheless, he doesn’t eat meat.
Il pesce e completamente rosso. The fish is completely red.
E soltanto un topo. It is just a mouse.
Non usiamo mai lo zucchero. We never use the sugar. (‘mai’ means ‘never’ so Iguess non by itself isn’t good enough)
Perche non abbiamo neanche una forchetta? Why don’t we even have a fork?
Appena arriva mio padre mangiamo. As soon as my father arrives, we eat.

