Day 212 Learning Italian on Duolingo

2 min readJan 15, 2023


Fried pizza for lunch today in Napoli. Pizze fritte!

If there’s anyone out there reading this, don’t expect to get much out of these journals. I’m not writing this for you, It’s just for me. Some accountability for myself. It’s easy to skip a day of learning… anything… but if you have to consistently write, post, journal about it, then it kind of forces you to do it. Basically I have a record to uphold and I get pissed when I break my streak. 212 is a good streak, even though there are some days I have skipped but with Duolingo, you got these things called “Streak Freezes” where they freeze my streak count so i don’t lose the number. It’s cheating but fuck it. I’m still in Naples (Italy not the uppity one in Florida) so I’m exposed to Italian and Neapolitan everyday, plus my girlfriend is fluent in both and a native so that’s gotta count for something.

Duolingo Lesson

Unit 15

Describe people, use pronouns

Sono simpatici. They are nice.
Simpatici. Nice
Grazie, signore. Thank yoy, sir.
Scrivo un rapporto. I write a report.
Rapporto. Relationship.
Lui e il mio compagno. He is my partner.
Compagno. Partner.
L’estate è per i giovani. The summer is for the youth.
Buonasera signore e signori. Good evenings ladies and gentlemen.
Il gatto è un animale simpatico. The cat is a nice animal.
Quanti regali ricevono gli sposi? How many gifts do the newlyweds receive?
Sposi. Newlyweds.
Carota. Carrot | Certo. Certain | Uovo. Egg | Giovane. Young | Dalle. From
Nostra Our | Pesce. Fish | Uccelli. Birds | Compagno. Partner | Formica. Ant
Latte. Milk | Anatra. Duck | Tra. Between | Insomma. Well | Giovani. Young
Mucca. Cow | Dolce Sweet | Insetto. Insect | Sposa. Bride | Meglio. Better
I nostri rapporti con i nostri genitori sono importanti. Our relationships with our parents are important.

Rapporto. Relationship
Non è nel mio carratere. It is not in my nature.
Cittadino. Citizen.
Cosa chiedono i nostri cittadini? What do our citizens ask?
Giovani. Young
È come il rapporto tra un figlio e suo padre. It is like the relationship between a son and his father.
Popolazione. Population
Sono i vicini nuovi. They are the new neighbors.
Io sono umana. I am human.
Lui è figlio dei miei vicini. He is the son of my neighbors.
Siamo umani. We are humans.
Non è umano. It is not human.

